Search Success! Shelley Levy Joins Planned Parenthood as Vice President, Human Resources

Search success! Pillar Search and HR Consulting, an executive search firm that works with nonprofit and mission-driven organizations, is pleased to announce the placement of Shelley Levy as the new Vice President of Human Resources at Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley

Shelley brings extensive nonprofit human resources and leadership experience to this role. Most recently, she was the Director of Talent and Human Resources at Ednovate, a high-performing network of free public college preparatory high schools in Southern California. Prior, she was the Director of Human Resources at Uncommon Schools and Human Resources Associate at Room to ReadShelley received her undergraduate degree from University of California San Diego

About Pillar Search & HR Consulting: A woman-owned business founded in Boston in 2015, Pillar Search & HR Consulting provides executive search/recruiting and human resources consulting expertise to nonprofit and mission-driven organizations, working with senior leaders and boards of directors to hire and develop the very best talent across all functional areas of the organization. To learn more, please contact Cindy Joyce at

Pillar Search Named to Non-Profit Top 60 Rankings

Pillar Search Named to Non-Profit Top 60 Rankings! I am proud to announce that Pillar Search & HR Consulting has been named to the Hunt Scanlon list of the Top 60 ranking of executive search firms partnering with nonprofits. Learn more here.  A woman-owned business founded in Boston in 2015, Pillar Search & HR Consulting provides executive search/recruiting and human resources consulting expertise to nonprofit and mission-driven organizations. Pillar works with senior leaders and boards of directors to hire and develop the very best talent across all functional areas of the organization. To learn more, please contact Cindy Joyce at

Nonprofit Human Resource Management Course at Harvard Extension School: Registration Now Open!

Harvard Extension School Cindy Joyce

I am happy to announce that Harvard Extension School will again offer the Nonprofit Human Resource Management course in the Spring 2021 semester.  The course introduces participants to the best practices, policies, and theories related to nonprofit human resource management. Whether you are now or plan to be an HR practitioner or a leader, manager or board member for a nonprofit organization, museum, school, or foundation, this course prepares you with the knowledge and skills needed to manage human capital in a nonprofit setting. This is also a great learning opportunity for those interested in making a career transition into the nonprofit sector.

Class meetings will be held each Tuesday from 5:10 p.m. – 7:10 p.m. ET from January 26, 2021 – May 11, 2021.  This is a live, web-based course and will include a combination of class lectures, discussions, activities, and several nonprofit executives as our guest speakers.  I originally created and taught this course in the Fall 2019 semester, for which I received a Dean’s Commendation for Excellence in Teaching.

Registration began today, Monday, November 9, 2020 for Nonprofit Human Resource Management MGMT E-4241 (25940). Learn more here. 

About Harvard Extension School (HES): Harvard Extension School is a fully accredited Harvard school. As one of the 12 degree-granting institutions at Harvard University, they teach to the largest and most eclectic student body. Their students come from every time zone, every culture and career background, every age from 18 to 89. Harvard Extension School students have one thing in common: the motivation to take the next challenging step in their lives. The find that challenge at Harvard Extension School, where academic standards are high and resources extensive. 

About Cindy Joyce and Pillar Search & HR Consulting: A woman-owned small business founded in Boston in 2015, Pillar Search & HR Consulting provides executive search/recruiting and human resources consulting expertise to nonprofit and mission-driven organizations, working with senior leaders and boards of directors to hire and develop the very best talent across all functional areas of the organization. To learn more, please contact Cindy Joyce at

How to Support Restaurants as Temperatures Begin to Dip

Grab a Blanket and Show Restaurants Our Love!

I am frightened for the future of our restaurants and the impact that losing them will have on the vibrancy of our communities.

Just over a week ago, some friends and I were having dinner in our home city of Boston, MA at Orfano, which is owned by our friend Tiffani Faison. Two of us had walked about a mile to get there, walking through the neighborhoods of Back Bay, Kenmore and Fenway. Several restaurants were permanently closed, some already closed for the night at 5:45 p.m., and those that were open were not overly crowded.

We started talking about the need to support our local restaurants. They give us a place to celebrate, to feel supported in harHow to Support Restaurants as Temperatures Begin to Dipd times, to meet up with loved ones, to unwind after a tough day, and to be nourished, physically and sometimes even psychologically.

Restaurants are a pivotal part of our communities and have been hit especially hard by the pandemic. Add the arrival of fall and the impending winter (which in Boston can be brutal) and restaurants are in dire need of patrons who can embrace a creative approach.

In Norwegian culture, they embrace winter in a big way, and have a saying that “there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing”. They suggest enjoying outdoor life in the “vinter” months with layers, a focus on woolen materials, and topping it off with a wind-resistant layer. Essentially, pretend you’re heading off to your favorite ski slope. Then pretend it’s apres ski time outdoors and enjoy a meal.

My friends and I decided that evening to establish the Boston Blanket Brigade to mobilize fellow Bostonians to help save our restaurants. Our mission is to blanket restaurants in love and support with flash mob dining. Each week, we will announce a restaurant that we are visiting, sitting outside with our friends, with our blankets to stay warm while helping to fill tables. Join us, or create your own brigade elsewhere, any day of the week in any city or town, at the restaurant of your choice.

We had our kickoff event this past Sunday, returning to Orfano since it was where this idea was generated, and I am thrilled to say that was a terrific success.

Not in Boston? There are several different ways to get involved:

  • Follow Boston Blanket Brigade on Instagram at @bostonblanketbrigade
  • Host a DIY Blanket Brigade at your own favorite restaurant, at a time or day of the week of your choice, no matter what city or town you are in. Be sure to take a photo and tag us. It will be fun to see how far the brigade reaches!
  • Make a donation to support the effort to save independent restaurants. The Independent Restaurant Coalition is working tirelessly to save them.
  • Make a donation to support restaurant industry workers. The Emeril Lagasse Foundation Hospitality Industry Relief Fund was created to support industry workers who are experiencing hardship from the COVID-19 crisis and will provide emergency relief grants based on need to workers who have lost employment due to the shutdown for the pandemic.

Think of it this way: when a vaccine comes out and we are able to congregate again, where will you want to meet up with your friends and family? Chance are, many of you said a restaurant. Let us blanket them in our support now to ensure that they are there when we return en masse.

This article was originally published on Thrive Global

Registration for Adult Learning Theories at Harvard Extension School is Now Available!

Registration for Adult Learning Theories course at Harvard Extension School is now live. I am thrilled to be teaching this course, which is offered as part of the fall 2020 semester. Adult Learning Theories will be held each Tuesday from 7:20-9:20 p.m. EST beginning on September 1. It will be a an online (live) web-based delivery. 

Learning opportunities for adults are often modeled after our classes in grade school and high school. However, adults learn much differently from children, and their motivation to learn is vastly different as well. This course explores:

  • Adult learning theory and practice
  • How to engage the adult learner
  • How to provide learning opportunities that both motivate and challenge

Human resources practitioners, leaders, and trainers alike benefit from this course.

Learn more and register here

A woman-owned company based in Boston, Pillar Search & HR Consulting provides executive search and human resources consulting expertise to nonprofit and mission-driven organizations, working with senior leaders and boards of directors to hire and develop the very best talent across all functional areas of the organization. For more information, please contact Cindy Joyce at


Happy Birthday to Pillar Search & HR Consulting!

It is hard to believe that it has been five years since I started Pillar Search & HR Consulting. It has been a labor of love, a source of joy and purpose. My nonprofit and mission-driven clients are awe-inspiring and do amazing work in education, workforce development, the arts, sustainability, women’s rights, economic empowerment, and so much more. I consider myself so fortunate to help them to advance their missions by hiring for their important roles and developing and empowering their teams.

I intentionally chose July 16, 2015 as my founding date because it was the birthday of one of my best friends, Sharon Mulcahy, who had died unexpectedly the year prior. Sharon and I met the day we moved into Regis College as freshman, and were friends for over 25 years. Sharon was an entrepreneur and cofounder of Jackrabbit Design. Watching her grow her business, which included many nonprofit clients, taught me so many wonderful lessons that have helped me in my own entrepreneurial journey. In the past few years, when I face a challenge, I often wonder “what would Sharon do?” and feel her somehow guiding me in the right direction. 

In honor of Pillar’s 5th anniversary and my dear friend who inspired its founding date, I have made a donation to Regis College’s Diverse Educator’s Scholarship, which honors the mission of Regis and its commitment to diversifying the education profession by offering a select group of undergraduate education students the opportunity to attend Regis through merit-based aid. Upon graduating, these students serve underrepresented populations in education.

Thanks to all who have helped me along this journey. Here’s to another exciting five years!

A woman-owned company based in Boston, Pillar Search & HR Consulting provides executive search and human resources consulting expertise to nonprofit and mission-driven organizations, working with senior leaders and boards of directors to hire and develop the very best talent across all functional areas of the organization. For more information, please contact Cindy Joyce at

Talent Acquisition in the New Normal: 10 Ways to Position Your Organization for Success

It seems counterintuitive. How can you recruit if you have no open positions? What if you are in an industry or organization that is experiencing layoffs, furloughs, or a hiring freeze? The truth is a downturn can be an ideal time to time to assess and enhance your organization’s hiring efforts. After all, finding top talent is not a finite task, but rather an ongoing effort that requires time, energy and effort, even during a downturn.

I have been in recruiting and human resources since the mid-90’s, and have been through a few downturns, such as the dotcom bubble bursting, post-9/11, and the financial crisis of the late 2000’s.  While I was working in the investment industry during those, and now work with nonprofit and mission-driven organizations, the same principles hold true regardless of industry or sector.

Here are ten ways you can enhance recruiting now:

  1. Build a pipeline. When hiring is moving fast and furiously, it can be quite a challenge to find the time to look around and figure who at your competitors and other organizations you would LOVE to hire. Now is the time to do that. Who are the stars that you should proactively reach out to the next time a role is open?
    • Look on LinkedIn. Check in with those you know and connect with those you do not
    • Think of amazing speakers and attendees you have met at conferences and/or industry-related events, or those who write articles/white papers that have impressed you
    • Former employees who were top performers. They may be open to a return for the right opportunity
  2. Research ways to build diverse candidate pools. It is easy to post in the same places, but those same places will likely produce the same candidates. There are tons of organizations specific to people of color and women, those who are differently abled, LGBTQ, veterans, etc. In addition, there are job boards that are focused on diversity within certain areas of expertise, such as fundraising, IT, or marketing. Find the ones that work for the jobs your organization hires for so that you have that list at the ready when a job opens.
  3. Be focused with postings when a position does open. Just a few short months ago, it was a candidate’s market. Job postings may have only produced a handful of candidates. That has changed – big time – and while at first you will feel like you have your choice of candidates, you may realize that in this “new normal” you are spending an inordinate amount of time sifting through resumes and fielding endless calls from candidates, which will significantly extend your time to fill metrics. Rather than using the big, broad job boards, focus on the ones specific to your industry and the role, use LinkedIn to proactively reach out to candidates, and tap into your network.
  4. Revisit finalists from other searches. I am going to let you in on a little secret: at the end of each search, I make a list of the top candidates. I did this when I was recruiting in-house, and I do it now that I am an external search consultant. While we all hope that the person hired will stay in the role forever, things change. People get promoted, move, decide that it is not the right role for them, or perhaps your organization expands and decides that they need more people in that same role. Why reinvent the wheel when you already know great candidates? If you loved the finalists in your search, keep them in mind and reach back out if you are hiring for that role or a similar one in the future.
  5. Reach out to the ones that got away. Whether the candidate you made an offer to opted to accept a role elsewhere or received a counteroffer from their existing employer, it is never easy to lose out on your dream candidate. Stay in touch. You never know when the time will be right for them to make a move to your organization, and anyone that makes it that far in the search most likely got to know your hiring team and the organization and at the very least could be a great source of candidate referrals.
  6. Train your interviewers. When hiring moves at lightning speed, it is easy to let training go by the wayside. It should always be a priority, as you want to ensure that all interviewers are trained to avoid potentially unlawful and discriminatory interview questions, as well as how to avoid unconscious bias. Training also helps interviewers understand how to use the interview times wisely, how to create a positive experience for the candidate, and how to assess each candidate’s strengths and opportunities.
  7. Look at your careers/jobs page. Okay, I get it. There may not be a job posted right now, so it may seem like a pointless exercise. However, eventually candidates will look at the page. Be sure that the message of your careers page is on brand, explains how candidates should apply, shares information on things that will appeal to potential candidates such as training and advancement opportunities, what benefits you offer, what onboarding looks like, and what differentiates your organization as an employer. If you have no current openings, invite those interested in applying to submit a resume for future opportunities. This can help build out your pipeline for the future. Ask recent hires what they think about the career page, and what information would have been helpful to them.
  8. Streamline your process. Have you ever started the hiring process and find that you are adding more and more steps and interviewers as you go? That may cost you top candidates, as they will feel that the process is confusing or excessively long. Take the time now to look at how many interview rounds there will be, how many interviewers are needed, and who is involved in each step, making sure that each interviewer is essential and not just a “nice to have”. At the start of each search, recommit to those steps and be transparent with candidates about the recruiting process during your first interview.
  9. Review job descriptions. In the heat of the moment, it is easy to glance at your existing job descriptions in a rush to post. Look at the duties and responsibilities. Jobs evolve with time, technology, and changes to your organizational structure; make sure that the job description is relevant to the current role. In addition, take the particularly important step of reviewing job descriptions to ensure that you are not using biased language, as this could be discouraging diverse candidates from applying.
  10. Succession planning. If succession planning is something your organization does, or if you need to get started, now is the time to pay attention to it. When there is an economic crisis due to an extraordinary event, such as COVID-19, it is called a Black Swan. Black Swans often cause people to assess their life and work, and whether this is what they genuinely want to do. It happened to me – as the recession of the late 2000’s started to improve, I realized that I wanted to do something different and left the investment industry to work in the nonprofit sector. Others I know opted to retire, start their own business, stay home with children, or go back to school full-time. Having a succession plan in place will ensure continuity of leadership and productivity.

While the above tips are focused on your employees, many can also be applied to your board positions!

Remember, this too shall pass. If you do a thorough assessment of your talent acquisition efforts and take the steps to enhance it now, your organization will be in a much better position when hiring picks up again.

A woman-owned company based in Boston, Pillar Search & HR Consulting provides executive search and human resources consulting expertise to nonprofit and mission-driven organizations, working with senior leaders and boards of directors to hire and develop the very best talent across all functional areas of the organization. For more information, please contact Cindy Joyce at

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